Our company AMP IMPORT-EXPORT ZAO (Close Joint-stock Company) is producing marble fillers of different fractions. The technology, that we are using nowadays on our production, provides for fractionated marble sands with a cubiform shape (less than a 10 % flakiness).
First of all, the main question for us is quality: product purity (absence impurity, clay particles and etc.),fractionation accuracy, stability of the fraction composition. “AMP IMPORT EXPORT” ZAO has its own raw-materials base and also own production products from marble(a white marble deposit) Our material is characterized by a naturally high percentage of whiteness. The high whiteness is conditioned by chemical purity and low content of impurity. The packaging section is equipped by automatic batchers, which are allowed to make packaging in a soft containers which carrying capacity can be up to 1 ton and accuracy to a 5 kg. Our production can be load out in specified seaport from the Novorossiysk or Astrakhan port.